
Storing your app data

Creating a Database

First step, creating a thing!

Create a project folder

Create a folder called message-board in a
safe place where you usually save projects.

Open SQLite Studio

SQLite Studio main screen

SQLite Studio should already be installed.
Open it up so we can get started!

Click “Add a database”

The "Add Database" button is a small grey cylinder with a green plus sign on it

Click the “Add a database” button
at the top left of the app.

Click “Create new database file”

The button to create a new database is a green circle with a plus sign

Click the “Create a new database file” button
to the right of the File input box.

Find the folder you are using for your project and navigate inside it

Use the file explorer to find your project
and navigate inside the project folder.

Enter a file name for your database

Enter a file name with the file extension .db

Enter a name for your database file,
using the file extension .db.

Save the file

The save button at the bottom right of the window

Click the “Save” button to save your new database file.

Press OK

The OK button is at the bottom right of the window

Click the “OK” button at the bottom right
to open the database in SQLite Studio

Select your database in the sidebar

Databases are listed down the left of the window

Click on your database in the sidebar to select it.

Connect to the database

The connect button is the first icon in the top button bar

Once the database is selected,
click the “Connect” button.

The “Tables” and “Views” options should be visible

A connected database will have Tables and Views listed beneath it

A connected database will display the Tables and Views
under the database name in the sidebar.

Disconnecting the database

The disconnect button is the second icon in the top button bar

Select the database in the sidebar,
then click the “Disconnect” button.

Creating a database using the shell

We can do the same database creation process
using the command line, which can be a lot faster
once you get used to it.

Open the command line

Open the Command Line app (cmd),
or Terminal if you’re using OSX.

Use cd folder-name/ to change directory into your project folder.

Open the new database

sqlite3 messenger.db

Type sqlite3 followed by the database file name
you would like to use, and press enter.

Initialise the database


Type .databases and press enter to initialise the database.

Close the connection


Type .exit and press enter
to close the database connection.

Check that the file exists


Type ls on OSX or dir on Windows and press enter.
The file messenger.db should be listed.

Naming your Database

Use file naming consistent with the rest of your project,
most likely hyphenated-names or underscore_names.

Use a name relevant to the project

Your database file name should be based on your project name.

Try to avoid generic names like database.db or mydata.db.

Names should be alphanumeric

Use letters with underscores or hyphens only.

Numbers can be used, but should be avoided where possible!

Names should be all lowercase

No capital letters here! Use all lowercase letters.

Use underscores or hyphens instead of spaces

For the database file name you should use naming
conventions consistent with the rest of your project.

Structural Overview

Let’s look briefly at how a SQLite database
works and what is stored inside it.

SQLite databases are a standalone file

This means you can copy it, paste it, delete it,
email it, just like any other file.

Use one database per project

All the data for your whole app is stored in a
single database, with organised data inside.

A single database has many tables

A database is a collection of tables.
Each table stores a specific type of data.

Data can be treated independently of the database

The structure of a database is defined
independently of the data stored within it.

Access Permissions

Protecting a SQLite database with a password
encrypts all the data stored inside.

There is no password protection by default

SQLite databases are open and unencrypted by default.

A password can be added using Python

Encryption can only be enabled by reading the file
from a script and including a command.

SQLite Studio can not open encrypted databases

A very sad side effect of encrypting your database
is that free SQLite GUI programs can’t open them.

Challenge: New project with SQLite Studio

Use SQLite Studio to create a new project called
“SuperChat” containing a new SQLite database.

Make sure to use correct naming conventions!

Challenge: New project with the shell

Use shell commands to create a new project called
“Bake Sale Manager” containing a new SQLite database.

Make sure to use correct naming conventions!

Challenge: Edit with SQLite Studio

Use SQLite Studio to open and connect to your
“Bake Sale Manager” database created using the shell.

What we learned about databases

  • Creating
    We can create using the command line or SQLite Studio.
  • Naming
    File name should be consistent with other project files.
  • Structure
    A database contains tables which contain actual data.
  • Permissions
    Password protecting a SQLite database is frustrating.

Thumbs Up!

Databases: Complete!

Take me to the next chapter!
