Turning your bubble popper into a game
Animation Demo
Try clicking a bubble or pressing spacebar.
Bubble Counter
You’ll need a little bit of extra HTML:
<div id="bubbleCounter">0</div>
And some CSS to design it:
#bubbleCounter {
background-color: white;
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
You should be able to see the bubble counter.
Live Updating Bubble Counter
Every time a bubble is popped, you’ll need to track it and display it.
var bubblesPopped = 0;
function popBubble() {
var bubble = $(this);
bubblesPopped = bubblesPopped + 1;
var bubbleCounter = $('#bubbleCounter');
bubbleCounter.textContent = bubblesPopped;
Your counter should update when a bubble is popped.
Countdown Timer
You’ll need a little bit of extra HTML:
<div id="countdownTimer">60</div>
And some CSS to design it:
#countdownTimer {
background-color: white;
position: absolute;
top: 0;
right: 0;
You should be able to see the countdown timer.
Live Countdown Timer
Every second, we want to update the countdown timer:
var secondsRemaining = 60;
var timer = setInterval(minusOneSecond, 1000);
function minusOneSecond() {
secondsRemaining = secondsRemaining - 1;
var timerDisplay = $('#countdownTimer');
timerDisplay.textContent = secondsRemaining;
Your timer should count down to zero… and beyond?
Stopping The Timer
When we get to zero, we want to stop the timer:
function minusOneSecond() {
if( secondsRemaining == 0 ) {
window.clearInterval( timer );
else {
secondsRemaining = secondsRemaining - 1;
var timerDisplay = $('#countdownTimer');
timerDisplay.textContent = secondsRemaining;
Your timer should now stop at zero.
Challenge: Score Display
When the timer runs out, display the person’s score
in a big box with big text.
Gamification: Complete
Good work! Now you know how to jQuery All Of The Things!
In this section we will make our randomised bubble artwork into a game.