
Adding simple movement


Backstretch Logo

Allows you to add a dynamically-resized, slideshow-capable
background image to any page or element.

Download from here.

Copy Backstretch to your site

Find the jquery.backstretch.min.js file you
downloaded and copy it into your site’s js folder.

Include the plugin

<script src=""></script>
<script src="jquery.backstretch.min.js"></script>

Add a script tag after your jQuery import, linking to the plugin file.

Initialise the plugin

The backstretch website says to use the following code:

      {duration: 3000, fade: 750}

You can copy this code from the Backstretch website.

Make sure to put in your own image URLs!

Header-only slideshow

We can restrict our slideshow to be displayed inside an element.


We want ours to play in the background of the header, so we add $('header') to the start of our code.

Thumbs Up!

jQuery Plugins: Complete!

Well done! Now you know the basics of using jQuery.
