Coding Content

Using HTML to construct page content

HTML With Otters

Open this link in a new tab: Otter Challenge

Keep it open! We are going to be using HTML
to make it look way better.

CodePen Editor

Screenshot of CodePen UI

CodePen shows us code on the left, and output on the right.

Otter Page Demo

See the Pen Otter Challenge Demo by Gather Workshops (@gatherworkshops) on CodePen.

Using code, we will transform our output to look like this.


Add heading tags before and after “Otters” on the first line.


<h1> says “start the heading here”
</h1> says “end the heading here”

Your “Otters” heading should now be big and bold.


Now make Diet and Behaviour into subheadings.


h1 is the main page heading
h2 is a subheading under an h1


Now use <p> tags to split up your paragraphs.

Otters have long, slim bodies and relatively 
short limbs. Their most striking anatomical 
features are the powerful webbed feet used 
to swim, and their seal-like ability to hold 
their breath underwater.

Put a <p> before each paragraph,
and a </p> after each paragraph.

Create a new subheading

At the bottom of your code, add a new subheading called “Photos”


We will add a series of images below this heading.

Image Tags

Add an img tag to the very bottom of your code:

<img src="#" height="100">

src stands for “source”
Replace the # with a link to an image online.

height is the height of the image
This is optional, it is the height in pixels.

Image Source

Find an image online, and copy the link to it.

Replace the # as the src value, using paste:

<img src="" height="100">

Find and add at least two more images.

Final Result

See the Pen Otter Challenge Demo by Gather Workshops (@gatherworkshops) on CodePen.

Your own output should now look something like this.

Stuff We Covered

  • Headings
    Biggest is h1, smallest is h6, and size is based on heading importance
  • Paragraphs
    Split our content up into manageable pieces.
  • Images
    Don’t have a closing tag, and use the src attribute to define an image.

Thumbs Up!

Coding Content: Complete!

Great, now it’s time to do some design…

Take me to the next chapter!
