
Putting widgets in their place

Geometry Managers

Pack, Grid, and Place Layouts

Grid Layouts

Grid layouts are used most frequently,
so we will focus on the Grid Manager

Simple Grid

Open up and add these two labels:

field_heading = tkinter.Label(window)
field_heading.config(text="Field Name", font="Verdana 10 bold")
field_heading.grid(row=0, column=0)

value_heading = tkinter.Label(window)
value_heading.config(text="Value", font="Verdana 10 bold")
value_heading.grid(row=0, column=1)

Your app should have two bold labels side by side

Complete Your Grid

Simple Grid Demo

Add widgets so your app looks (sort of) like the example


We can configure columns to resize at different rates:

Simple Grid Demo

window.columnconfigure(0, weight=0)
window.columnconfigure(1, weight=1)

Your grid should grow to fit a resized window


Widgets are aligned within cells using compass points:

Sticky Locations

Sticky Label

Here’s how you would stretch an entry field:

firstname_entry = tkinter.Entry(window)
firstname_entry.grid(row=1, col=1, sticky="we")

Your “First Name” entry should resize with the window

Sticky Form

Align your form widgets to look like this:

Sticky Form

Your form should resize smartly, like in the picture

Complex Grid

Complex Grid

Open up

Now we will use the same concept to create
a more complex layout.

Divide into Cells

Dividing Up a Complex Grid

Divide your layout into cells by drawing lines
between neighbouring widgets.

Identify Content Cells

Identifying Content Cells

Highlight every cell which contains
the top left corner of a widget.

Find Spanning Cells

Measuring Rowspan and Colspan

Highlight row spans and column spans
for any widgets that need it.

Apply Settings

You can now use the information to arrange the widgets in the grid:

title_label = tkinter.Label(window)
title_label.config(text="Super Duper Member Manager")
title_label.grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=4)

Apply the correct row, column and spans to all widgets

Happy Shopper

Happy Shopper Challenge

Create a new app called
and reproduce this grid layout.

Thumbs Up!

Layouts: Complete!

Cool, now we need to make it all actually work…
Take me to the next chapter!


Geometry Managers Demo Page

Tkinter Geometry Managers

All three types of geometry managers demonstrated on one page, with both code and screenshots of the resulting apps.

Highly recommended.

Grid Manager Reference

The Tkinter Grid Geometry Manager

A focus on the grid manager with a few examples, and a settings reference at the bottom.

Worth a read when you have a few minutes.