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Arduino Taster

Electronics with Arduino

Say hi to your mentors!

Your mentors are here to help if you get stuck,
and you can ask them (almost) anything!


What is your:

  • Favourite thing?
  • Super power?
  • First name?


Blinking Lights
On/Off Buttons

Multicolour Lights
Turning Dials

Rotating Objects
Flex Sensors

SparkFun Inventor’s Kit

SparkFun Inventor's Kit

We are using the Sparkfun Inventor’s Kit v3.2

Arduino App

Arduino Logo

We need the Arduino App to set up our board.

Node Red

Node Red Logo

We are using Node Red as a visual code editor.

Setting Up Your Arduino

Arduino with Breadboard wiring diagram

Plug your Arduino into your computer and link up the breadboard.

The board’s green “ON” light should be on.

Setting Up Standard Firmata

Open the Arduino app and use it to upload Standard Firmata

Start Up the Node Red Server

Open Node Red and create a blank sheet

Thumbs Up!

Intro Stuff: Complete!

Great, now it’s time for the fun stuff…

Take me to the next chapter!
