jQuery Basics

Using jQuery on top of HTML and CSS

Languages of The Web

HTML, CSS and JS Venn Diagram

The visible part of every website is made up of these languages.

HTML: Coding Our Content

CSS: Coding Our Design

JavaScript: Coding Our Interactions

Getting Elements

We can get an element the same way as in CSS,

with its id its class or the element tag type.

var header = $('#pageHeader');
var allPhotos = $('.photo');
var allImages = $('img');

When we find an element, we give it a var name,

so we can do stuff to it later using an easy name.

Changing Elements

Add or remove a class to change how it looks:

var header = $('#pageHeader');

Change its size and position:

var allPhotos = $('.photo');

Fade in or fade out:

var allImages = $('img');

jQuery Basics with Unicorns

Click here to start

Make January Golden

In your JavaScript panel, add the class “gold” to January:

var january = $('#january');


  • February should be orange
  • March should be pink
  • April should be blue
  • The others can be any colour

Make the August Unicorn Smaller

In your JavaScript panel:

var august = $('#august .unicorn');


  • May should be the same height as August
  • March should be 70% of the height of her box

Flying Pegasus Ponies

Create a function containing the code you want to run:

function fly() {
  var unicorn = $(this);
  unicorn.animate({'margin-bottom':'+=15'}, 1000);
  unicorn.animate({'margin-bottom':'-=15'}, 1000, fly);

Tell the selected objects when to run the function:

var pegasusPonies = $('.pegasus');

Pegasus ponies should now fly when clicked.

June’s Disappearing Trick

Create the turnInvisible function:

function turnInvisible() {
var clickedUnicorn = $(this);

Run the function when June is clicked:

var june = $('#june .unicorn');
june.click( turnInvisible );

June should now disappear when clicked.

Jumping Jacks

Here’s a function to make a unicorn jump:

function jump() {
  var unicorn = $(this);
  unicorn.animate({'margin-bottom': '+=20'}, 300);
  unicorn.animate({'margin-bottom': '-=20'}, 300);


Make one of the unicorns jump when the mouseover event happens.

Thumbs Up!

jQuery Basics: Complete!

Great, now it’s time to build our own…

Take me to the next chapter!
